Thursday, December 10, 2009

Senate Votes Against the Hatch-Nelson Amendment – which would have prohibited the use of federal funds to pay for abortions.

Last month, the congress passed the Health Care Reform Bill only because of an Amendment that would prohibit government-funded abortions, the Hatch/Nelson Amendment. This appeared to be a great victory for the pro-life movement. Unfortunately however, this week as the bill was presented to the Senate, they voted against the Amendment, 54 to 45! It is imperative that you make your voice heard! Contact your representatives! They represent YOU! They are the voice of the people. Call your senators and ask them to vote “NO” on any move that would end the debate and send the health care reform bill to a final vote.

Visit: to contact your representatives!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Act Now!


I want to urge you before you read any further that you decide how important it is to act for those who cannot defend for themselves. You need to decide at this moment how important the sanctity of human life is and what you can do about it.

Every year over a million babies are killed through the means of legal abortion just in the United States. And even though Roe vs. Wade will not be easily overturned, the current Health Bill before Congress contains language which could cause your money (via taxes) to be used to perform abortions.

Living in a democratic society is blessing as we are able to elect those who will serve as our leaders. However, I do believe that God will hold us responsible for those who we place into positions of leadership and whether or not we use our voice.

James 1:27 says, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." We have a responsibility to those who are defenseless and those who are unable to fight for themselves.

So what can you do?
1. Write your congressman. Yes, one voice seems trivia, but many voices are not. We must do our duty and speak the truth. What are we trying to communicate: That the new Health Bill measure must have clean and clear language which will not use any tax payer's money to support abortion (even in the forms of stipends to select one's own health insurance plan as they in turn could choose to elect a plan in which abortion is covered).

Follow this link to generate an easy to use email to write those who represent your vote: and click on the tab "Take Action".


Why is it that people choose not to act?
Perhaps they do not consider a baby that is still in the womb life, but mass of cells. Consider this:

By eight weeks, this little baby has all body systems present, including feet, hands, head, organs, etc. Even fingerprints are present! Even though the baby is only an inch long, the baby has a head with eyes and ears. The baby has a the basic structure of a digestive system. The heart is beating with its own blood! Even though technology has allowed us to know much sooner whether or not a woman has conceived, only a few decades ago a woman may have suspicions but would not know absolutely that she was pregnant until this time.

Consider these words:
JEREMIAH 1:5: Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Psalm 139:13-14: For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
JOB 31:15: Did not he that made me in the womb make him? and did not one fashion us in the womb?
PSALM 127:3: Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.

Some may state that it is a choice, they are right. It is a choice to take a life or not to take one. We have been entrusted with the life that God has given us. Regardless of whether or not that baby is in the womb, 5 years old, 16 years old, or 45 years old, we have a responsibility before God to protect that life.

Proverbs 6:16-19: "There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers."

Written by, Joseph E. Butler

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Speak up!

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter!" - Martin Luther King Jr.

Make your voice heard! Fight Abortion!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Petition For Life. Please Sign!!!

Focus on the Family Action has launched a petition to stop the effort to funnel our tax dollars to fund abortions and organizations that provide abortion, both in the United States and abroad. Focus Action wants to deliver petitions to Congress before the upcoming votes on the 2010 appropriations bills.

Please go here to sign and be represented in this important effort:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tax Money Funds Over Seas Abortions!

The Obama Administration gave $50 million to the UN's "Population Fund" which funds abortions in third world countries and countries like China where only one child is allowed per family and women are forced to have an abortion if a second child is conceived. Our tax dollars are paying for these woman to have mandatory abortions! "Their blood is on our hands!"

Check out this article for more:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fight Abortion!

Don't let the Government Fund Abortions!
They will use YOUR tax dollars!
Fight Abortion!

Government-Funded Abortions - Graph

Healt Care Bill Update

(Expert from

"Last night, President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress -- and the nation -- about his plan for anational, government-run health care system, stating:"One more misunderstanding I want to clear up -- under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions."This simply IS NOT TRUE! Even the mainstream media and respected fact-checking organizations are calling out the President on this misinformation.

Make no mistake about it: Abortion WILL be funded by the government through the proposed health care plan.For years, Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby have been working towards the day when abortion would be included in comprehensive health care reform -- the day when abortion coverage would become mandatory and paid for with your tax dollars.Unless we act NOW, that day is here!If President Obama's proposed health care legislation passes, abortion providers will get their wish -- a multi-billion-dollar bailout, funded by the federal government through your tax dollars.Even as national polls reveal growing opposition to the abortion-laden health care reform proposals, new polling results released today show that the majority of Americans think it is WRONG for the government to pay for abortions and DO NOT want the government tofund health plans that fund abortions.We must redouble our efforts to stop the abortion mandate in proposed health care reform legislation.That's why we're inviting you to join pro-lifers across the country TODAY in the "VOID THE ABORTION MANDATE" virtual rally and grassroots campaign. President Obama and your representatives in Congress need to hear from you TODAY."

Here's what to do right now:
* CONTACT YOUR SENATORS AND CONGRESSMAN: Visit and click on the "voided check" image to send a clear message to your elected representatives that you don't want the government funding abortion

* SOCIAL NETWORKING ACTIVISM: Download the new "Void the Abortion Mandate" voided check logo and sample status message and post them on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other social networking web sites. Get them here:

* GET THE FACTS -- HEALTH CARE REFORM FUNDS ABORTION: Having a hard time explaining how the proposed health care plan forces taxpayers to subsidize abortion? Get the new chart revealing the exact money trail:

* SEE THE LATEST POLLING RESULTS: The majority of Americans think it is wrong for the government to pay for abortions and do not want the government to fund health plans that fund abortions. See the polling results released today at:

* SPREAD THE WORD: tell every person you can, and encourage them to take action at:

We CAN stop this major power grab by the abortion industry -- if we act today and keep up the pressure on Washington.Thanks for everything you are doing to help STOP THE ABORTION MANDATE! For Life, Stop the Abortion Mandate Coalition

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Take Action!

Take Action Against Government Funded Abortions!
The current health care plan is a thinly veiled attempt to pass the cornerstone elements of the Freedom of Choice Act, which would ensure taxpayer-funded abortion.
But IT CAN BE stopped and YOU CAN HELP!

1. Call your Senators and Representatives and tell them you want an explicit exclusion of abortion coverage in any health care reform bill.
2. E-mail and Fax your Senators and Representatives and tell them you want an explicit exclusion of abortion coverage in any health care reform bill.
3. Meet with your Senators and Representatives at their district or Capitol Hill offices or confront them at a townhall meeting.
4. Write a letter to the editor. Tell your local paper that taxpayers should not be forced to pay for abortions.
5. Attend an event. Many organizations are hosting events on health care this summer.
6. Twitter and Facebook for

Talking Points to defend your argument:
Government Run Health Care = Mandated taxpayer-funded abortion: A cornerstone of the Freedom of Choice Act will be a direct mandate under the new healthcare plan, forcing Americans to subsidize abortions.

Piecemeal implementation of the Freedom of Choice Act through healthcare legislation amounts to every American being forced to fund abortions, a mandate that every insurance plan cover abortion, and an increase in abortion clinics across the country.

Americans don’t support taxpayer-funded abortions. A recent poll in Ohio showed 70% of those surveyed oppose using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions.

Under the healthcare plan, virtually every American will eventually be in a plan that includes abortion by requiring individuals to buy health insurance that meets minimum benefits standards determined by unelected government bureaucrats. If the law does not clearly state that abortion is excluded, abortion automatically becomes a minimum required benefit for all public and private healthcare plans.

If unamended the Obama healthcare restructuring bill will be the most massive abortion expansion since Roe v. Wade.

Empirical data shows that when abortion is a covered service, there are more abortions.
It is extremely unfortunate that at a time when American taxpayers are trying to stretch their dollar as far as possible as their jobs are lost, homes are foreclosed, food prices rise and the economy continues to decline, President Obama and abortion industry allies in Congress would mandate taxpayer funding of abortion.

Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $350 million in taxpayer funding last year and ended the year with a $112 million surplus. Washington has already mandated that taxpayers fund billions of dollars in bailouts and stimulus packages.
It is beyond the pale to now mandate that taxpayers be forced to bail out an abortion industry swimming in profits.

A majority of Americans (63%) support conscience protection rules, which protects doctors, nurses and other medical professionals should they choose not to perform a medical procedure, like abortion, which they are morally opposed to. No conscience protections are currently in the healthcare legislation.

Liberal Democrats and pro-abortion on demand groups are working furiously to exclude language that would ban abortions from being covered by taxpayers under the pretense of healthcare.

President Obama and liberals in Congress say they want health care reform, but they are using health reform as a way to ram through taxpayer funded abortion. Pro-abortion groups such as Planned Parenthood and NARAL have admitted they hope to mandate “access” to abortion for “all women” through national health care reform legislation.

Abortion is not healthcare, as the pro-abortion organizations would like Americans to believe, and it should not be mandated under any health insurance plan, especially one that Americans will be forced to subsidize.

Specific language must be written into the healthcare bill that excludes taxpayer funds from paying for abortions

Real Health Care Respects Life!

SIGN A PETITION to exclude abortions from the Health Reform Bill:
Tell Congress to Keep Abortion out of Health Care:
Ask Congress to Help protect Health Care Providers:
Tell President Obama that you oppose FOCA:
Watch this Video on Government Funded abortions:

If this bill gets passed, WE WILL BE PAYING FOR ABORTIONS! If ever there was a time to stand for your beliefs and fight for your convictions, this is the time! Fight Abortion! God have mercy.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Can Some Contraceptives Induce an Abortion?

Because I believe life begins at conception I cannot, in good conscience, support the use of any hormonal means of birth control.

"I feel chemical contraceptives have the potential to harm an embryo. And I decided based on moral and ethical grounds that I could no longer prescribe them." -Mary Martin, MD, Ob/Gyn, Midwest City, OK

At the risk of offending potential readers, I would like to begin by saying that I began this blog to share by heart. My honest thoughts and beliefs and I do not plan on hiding my beliefs or “sugar coating” them for fear of “stepping on toes”. However, I will say that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I believe this with great fervency. I pray that one’s opinions are founded on truth and research, but I do understand that there are different thoughts and feelings on the topic and I want you to understand that I do not judge you for your decision on the matter. But the following excerpt on contraceptives is one that has become of great passion to me as I believe that many young girls and women are not being properly educated on the issue.

During my research on hormonal contraceptives, I was surprised to learn that this method of birth control CAN induce an abortion. I myself have been on "the pill" and I asked very direct questions to my health care provider about this possibility. I remember her assuring me that this would not happen as this is not how the pill is designed to work. However, upon further study, I have discovered that yes, this may not be how the pill and other hormonal methods of birth control are designed to work, but if the two primary methods of defense do not prevent conception (1.) inhibiting the release of a fertile ovum 2. Increasing cervical mucus), then the "fall back" comes into play. This third line of defense is to prevent an already fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine lining which is then simply discarded during the woman's next menstrual cycle. In some cases, these hormones may even dislodge an implanted embryo!

This information is difficult to locate. Many sources try and deny that this is a possible scenario. Yet, with diligent research, I have found multiple sources that support these findings and I encourage you to do your own research on the matter. Please take the time to research your birth control and any chemical that you put into your body for that matter. Not only for your health and safety, but also for the health and well being of a potential baby.

Below are some quotes from physicians on the post-fertilization effects of the pill:
"After reading [about post-fertilization effects] in several other books and papers, I realized I could no longer justify prescribing the Pill. I think most women feel life begins at fertilization. When they find out about the post-fertilization effect, they're surprised and some even rethink their decision." Cynthia Jones-Nosacek, MD, Family Physician, Milwaukee, WI

"We've known for a long time that birth control pills are abortifacients. Now it's finally catching on." Karen Brauer, M.S. R.Ph., Community Pharmacist, Lawrenceburg, IN

"I found out in medical school that they may prevent fertilized eggs from implanting, and I decided then that I wasn't ever going to prescribe them." JB Stanford, MD, University of Utah
(Quotations taken from: Post-Fertilization Mechanisms: What to Know About Hormonal Methods.

“According to the authoritative medical textbook, Contraceptive Technology, to make an informed choice, concerned women must be notified about the mechanism of action. Women need to know that "all regular hormonal contraceptives (the pill, implant, injectable) and emergency contraceptive pills," may prevent pregnancy by "inhibiting implantation of a fertilized egg." (F Stewart, J Trussell, PFA Van Look, "Emergency Contraception," Ch 12, In Hatcher et al., Contraceptive Technology, 18th ed, Ardent Media, 2004, p. 285.)

“The main way in which these forms of contraception {hormonal} are designed to work is by suppressing ovulation. The extra hormones also work to thicken your cervical mucus thereby creating a hostile environment for sperm. Both of these methods help to prevent fertilization {I’m ok with that part…but I struggle with the following…) If the other two methods fail and an egg IS FERTILIZED, then the Pill may work to thin the uterine lining thereby blocking the implantation of the fertilized egg” (FAQs about Hormonal Birth Control. 2009.

The same is true for the IUD device:
“How does it work? The copper IUD interferes with fertilization by keeping sperm away from the egg. If fertilization occurs, it will prevent the embryo from attaching to the uterus. The copper IUD also slowly releases the metal in the cervix which inactivates the sperm. The hormonal one works in the same way and also prevents the lining of the uterus from thickening, which makes it difficult for a fertilized egg to become implanted there.” (Women’s Health. 1999. Consumer Health Interactive.

“The IUD may cause a low-grade infection in the uterus that prevents the fertilized egg from growing. The IUD may dislodge the fertilized egg or in some other way keep it from implanting and growing” (Family Planning Associates. Deciding About Birth Control. 2002.

Because I believe life begins at conception, I believe anything that would interfere with preventing a fertilized egg to implant or dislodging an already implanted egg is morally wrong and does in fact INDUCE ABORTION.

I do believe, as discussed in a previous post, that contraceptives and family planning are morally permissible. But, I also believe that there are some parameters that must be met when choosing a form of birth control.
Choose a contraception based on the following:
1.) ALL human life is sacred (Psalm 139)
2.) Human life was made in the image of the Creator (Genesis 1:26)
3.) Human life begins at conception (Psalm 139:13-16)
4.) We are responsible to protect human life (Exodus 20:13)
5.) Contraception must be determined by each individual couple and must be based on Scripture and God’s guidance alone and not by worldly standards (Romans 12:1-2)

When Does Life Begin?

I believe that life begins at conception! "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made . . . My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (Psalm 139:13-16)

Science does not disagree with this fact. “Based on universally accepted scientific criteria, a new cell, the human zygote, comes into existence at the moment of sperm-egg fusion, an event that occurs in less than a second. Upon formation, the zygote immediately initiates a complex sequence of events that establish the molecular conditions required for continued embryonic development. The behavior of the zygote is radically unlike that of either sperm or egg separately and is characteristic of a human organism. Thus, the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos.” (When Does Human Life Begin? A Scientific Perspective. Maureen L. Condic, PhD. ; Senior Fellow; Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person; Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Salt Lake City, Utah.

"I have learned from my earliest medical education that human life begins at the time of conception. I submit that human life is present throughout this entire sequence from conception to adulthood and any interruption at any point throughout this time constitutes a termination of human life." - Dr. Alfred M. Bongioanni, professor of obstetrics, University of Pennsylvania

"It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception." Professor Micheline Matthews-Roth, Harvard University Medical School

"By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception." Professor Hymie Gordon, Mayo Clinic

"The beginning of a single human life is from a biological point of view a simple and straightforward matter—the beginning is conception." Dr. Watson A. Bowes, University of Colorado Medical School

"I oppose abortion. I do so, first, because I accept what is biologically manifest—that human life commences at the time of conception—and, second, because I believe it is wrong to take innocent human life under any circumstances." Dr. Landrum Shettles, pioneer in sperm biology, fertility and sterility, discoverer of male- and female-producing sperm

(Quotations taken from: When Does Human Life Begin?: The Answer of Science. Randy Alcorn. Eternal Perspective Ministries, Sandy, OR.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Family Planning

What about Family Planning? Is it “OK” to Use Contraceptives???
My husband and I have researched this topic in depth and have come to the following conclusion: That Birth Control (BC) and family planning are morally acceptable so long as it is used within the parameter of Biblical teaching and one’s God-given conscience.

Below are some excerpts from an article I came across discussing the topic of contraceptives and its ethical viability.

(Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics. ISSUE: Is Birth Control Morally Permissible? Copyright © by Covenant Community Church of Orange County 1990;
Is Birth Control Morally Permissible?
"Many Christians simply offer blanket condemnations of almost any practice which is even incidentally related to these distortions. We must realize, however, that emotions which arise from such concerns may often cloud our ability to think through an issue clearly. As Christians, we want to be sure to decide any issue by the standard of God's Word alone.
Freedom of Conscience:
The Christian is free to do anything that is not contrary to the word of God. Scripture alone is the ultimate standard of ethical activity. God alone is the Lord of the conscience. Human commandments which are contrary or additional to God's word have no authority over the Christian conscience. Moreover, the Christian is free to do anything (not contrary to the word of God) because he or she knows that God's creation is good (I Tim. 4:4). Paul declares that "I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself"(Rom. 14:14).
Main Objections against Contraception:
1.) Contraception is Unnatural
Many object to contraception on the basis of its "artificiality." The general principle embedded in this objection is that we ought not attempt to hinder any natural course of events such as conception -- "Contraception is contrary to natural law."
In Response:
There are many things we do which go contrary to the "natural order" and yet are not immoral: e.g., shaving, airplane travelling, landscaping, driving, satellite transmitting, etc. …Furthermore, those who raise the above objection usually substitute some form of supposedly "natural" birth control such as abstinence or the rhythm method. However, it is absurd to refer to these practices as natural! Abstinence runs counter our natural sexual drives, and the intricate charting and scheduling involved in rhythm methods demonstrates that this form of birth control is far from "natural."
2.) Contraception shows a lack of trust in God
Opponents of contraception often claim that those who use it are simply acting out of a lack of faith. If they truly trusted God, they would allow Him to control this aspect of their lives.
In Response:
We are commanded to live our whole lives in obedience to and trust in God, and yet the Lord has given us certain responsibilities to carry out. When we trust in God for sustenance praying, "Give us this day our daily bread," we do not sit at home passively waiting for food to be dropped on our doorstep. Rather, we go out and work. If we were to ignore our God given responsibilities and carry the above objection to its logical conclusion we ought not ever work, use locks on our homes and cars, save money for emergencies, use brakes in our automobiles, wear safety goggles or sun screen, support the police or national defense, etc., but failing to do these things would be irresponsible. Such actions are Biblical, and so they cannot be contrary to trusting in God. The principles laid out in the main body of this discussion are an attempt to show that in some circumstances contraception can at times be another one of these areas of responsibility.
Neither of the above objections stands up to simple scrutiny. They fail to demonstrate that contraception is forbidden by the word of God. Many in our culture do abuse contraceptive measures (even some Christians), and abuses of contraception need to be properly distinguished from a Biblical understanding of the issues so that we may make a proper evaluation of the practice. The principles outlined above give us a start on this question, and so in light of the above Biblical principles, we can indeed conclude that certain forms of contraception under certain circumstances are morally permissible."

(Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics. ISSUE: Is Birth Control Morally Permissible?Copyright © by Covenant Community Church of Orange County 1990;

I disagree with such opinions as the following official statement from the Catholic Church:
“Contraception is wrong because it’s a deliberate violation of the design God built into the human race, often referred to as "natural law." The natural law purpose of sex is procreation. The pleasure that sexual intercourse provides is an additional blessing from God, intended to offer the possibility of new life while strengthening the bond of intimacy, respect, and love between husband and wife. The loving environment this bond creates is the perfect setting for nurturing children. But sexual pleasure within marriage becomes unnatural, and even harmful to the spouses, when it is used in a way that deliberately excludes the basic purpose of sex, which is procreation. God’s gift of the sex act, along with its pleasure and intimacy, must not be abused by deliberately frustrating its natural end—procreation… The Bible mentions at least one form of contraception specifically and condemns it. *Coitus interruptus, was used by Onan to avoid fulfilling his duty according to the ancient Jewish law of fathering children for one’s dead brother (Gen. 38:8–10)… The so-called "individual conscience" argument amounts to "individual disobedience."
(Catholic Answers, "Birth Control" (El Cajon, CA: Catholic Answers, 2004)
(*Thought: Onan's sin was disobeying God, not "spilling his seed.")

I believe that the act of sex has more meaning and purpose than just procreation. There is an intimacy between man and woman during the “act of marriage” that brings a husband and wife closer together. If sex was only intended for procreation, then why is it permissible for a couple to engage in intercourse throughout any time in a woman’s cycle and not just at her most fertile times? Also, I think that intimacy would be interrupted if the couple is preoccupied with the possibility of always conceiving. For instance, if a couple has recently had a new baby and they are given the “ok” to return to their normal sex life, I believe that the intimacy would be strained if the wife feared another pregnancy so soon after giving birth. This definition of the Catholic Church also omits extreme circumstances such as those who are at risk of serious health complications either for themselves or the baby if they were to become pregnant or those who are infertile or post menopause. Should a couple who is infertile abstain from sexual intercourse because they are unable to procreate? I would think not. This is silly and even absurd. Yes, sex can lead to conception and it often does….hence the billions of people living on earth! And, the creation of a new life is a wonderful, beautiful, miraculous thing! However, I do not think that every act of intercourse should be intended to conceive a child and that the use of contraceptives is appropriate when used in a manner that is in accordance with one’s moral standards.

There are types of contraceptives that my husband and I have chosen not to use for one reason or another and I hope to expound on this subject in more detail in my next posts, "When Does Life Begin?" and “Can Some Contraceptives Induce an Abortion?” However, we also believe that choosing to plan our family by use of contraceptives is within our God given liberty and free will and that we are being wise to plan our family to assure my adequate health and ability to carry a baby to term as well as our capability to provide for any future children. We do strongly believe that we are trusting in God. We believe that God is sovereign and if God chooses for us to conceive a child, with or without the use of contraceptives, God will carry out His will.

“Mankind can thwart nothing that God wills to come to pass, artificial or natural.”

“God gives each couple the responsibility to determine how many children they wish to have and can provide for. God wants us to be wise and responsible in all areas of our lives”

“The use of birth control devices can be used for either good or evil purposes. The devices are not evil. The reason why the devices are used can determine if they are good or evil. If birth control devices are used for the purpose of prevention of a pregnancy for a person who wants to take sex outside of wedlock, it is the activity that is wrong and does not make the device evil. If the device is used within the context of a marriage for the purpose of being wise about childbearing, then it is being used for a good purpose. After all, if God desires you to have another child, even birth control will not stop Him.”
(Quotes from: What Does the Bible Say About Contraceptive? Open Arms Internet Ministry. 1998.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Born Alive!

Imagine this….

You are a baby at 22 gestational weeks. You are happy and content “safe” in your warm, dark world. You are soothed by the rhythm of your mother’s voice and her movements. One day, much to your surprise, a harsh saline injection is introduced into your sanctuary. You have just been poisoned. This injected saline burns your tiny delicate skin and begins to wither and corrode your body. After several hours, the walls around you being to tighten and expand, again and again. After many hours, you are delivered. You are struggling. Your skin, and eyes, and insides are burned from the saline. You can barely breath. You are cold. But, no one helps you. No one comforts you. No one tries to warm you. No one tries to help you breath. And suddenly, without warning, without provocation, your tiny life is snuffed out. You were unwanted. You were aborted. But, against all odds you survived the abortion! You were a fighter. You were BORN ALIVE! But, instead of racing you to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where you could be given a chance at life, you were MURDERED.

Did you know that on average 66 babies a year survive abortions and ARE BORN ALIVE???

An Abortion film, 22 Weeks, was released in January 2009 and is based on this TRUE story of a 22 week old baby boy who was born alive after a saline abortion.

Watch “Born Alive” – A short film about aborted babies who were actually born alive after an attempted abortion.

The thought of this should make one’s stomach turn! The “Infants Born Alive Protection Act” was enacted on August 5, 2002. However, there are still numerous reported cases of physicians disregarding this Act and terminating the life of a surviving baby. This is beyond even partial birth abortion! This is the MURDER of a delivered, living, breathing child!

God have mercy!

Blood Money

Abortions for money???
Since when did murder become a business?

"I was trained by a professional marketing director in how to sell abortions over the telephone. He took every one of our receptionists, nurses, and anyone else who would deal with people over the phone through an extensive training period. The object was, when the girl called, to hook the sale so that she wouldn't get an abortion somewhere else, or adopt out her baby, or change her mind. We were doing it for the money." -Nina Whitten, chief secretary at a Dallas abortion clinic under Dr. Curtis Boyd

Check out this site:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The "Right to Choose" vs. the "Right to Life"?

During my research on abortion these last several days, I have come to realize I don’t even know where to begin. My heart is so saddened to read these articles and stories about abortions and to see the pictures and videos of the end result. I have concluded my research many times simply in tears. I fear, that people are becoming calloused to the sin in the world and simply cannot fathom the notion that so many are in support of abortion! Their arguments (which I am hoping to be able to refute in posts to come) are so selfish.

Of course I believe in freedom of choice! I am not a domineering man trying to lord my authority over women and have control over them and their lives. I AM A WOMAN and I too agree with the majority of male pro-life law makers who are attempting to combat abortion. They are not trying to take control of a woman’s right to choose, they are attempting to take control of a woman’s right to murder! The *majority of woman have the freedom to choose not to conceive an unwanted baby in the first place. (*Taking into consideration that there are children conceived as a result of rape and incest). One should always consider that a possible outcome of engaging in sexual relations is the conception of a child and when one engages in these activities, they have already chosen! That child growing within their mother’s body was not asked to be created as a result of a foolish and selfish action. And that child certainly should not bear the brunt of their mother’s choice by being slaughtered. What of the child’s choice? What of those future women that are being aborted? Don’t they have a voice? Don’t they have the “right to choose”? Abortion is a selfish act that allows women to continue to live in their sin and “escape” responsibility for their actions.

My heart grieves for the lives of aborted babies. That tiny life that depends on its mother for growth and protection is torn from its sanctuary and sentenced to death for no fault of their own other than existing! Most pro-choice advocates do not deny the fact that a “fetus” being aborted is alive…they will tell you themselves that life begins at conception or fertilization, or the first brain wave etc. However, this does not seem to concern them. Their only concern is for their rights, their right to choose. How could anyone ever see the right to choose as more important than the right to life?

There are some that say that terminating the life of a “fetus” via an abortion is equal to eating a hamburger, cutting down a tree, or even killing the germs on our hands since these things are all categorized as “life”. What a ridiculous argument. Human life should never be compared to germs and inanimate objects. Human life is the highest form of life. We are human beings and we are killing ourselves. We are killing our own babies! To me, that does not seem comparable to using hand sanitizer and stopping at McDonalds.

Life is precious. The life of every man, woman, and child is precious. The lives of the thousands of aborted babies everyday are precious. Just as precious as mine or yours. They are people. Tiny people, maybe, but “a person’s a person, no matter how small!” – From the movie, Horton Hears a Who.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Abortion is Murder!

It is estimated that nearly 1.3 million abortions are performed annually in the United States alone[1]! *That means almost 50 million legal abortions have occurred in the US since Roe vs. Wade in 1973[2]! Think about that, 50 million babies! 50 million lives terminated before they were even given a chance. 50 million helpless, innocent lives. (*Note that this number references just the United States alone. There have been an estimated 1,656 million abortions worldwide since 1973!).

There are many who have compared the work of the abortionist with that of Hitler and I tend to agree. So, one may ask the question, "Does this mean that it is good or right to take the life of an abortionist?" In a word, NO! Taking a life is wrong whether he or she is a newly conceived zygote or a 30 year old professional. If I answered “yes,” I would be no better than the abortionist myself. God is the author of life and even though we may have grievous differences with our fellow man, it is not our place or our right to take what is not ours. God is their judge (Ecclesiastes 12:14; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:12; Hebrews 4:13)!

Abortion Count since Roe. Vs. Wade


What is Abortion?

An ABORTION is an induced elective, or “therapeutic”, extraction of an embryo or fetus (i.e. baby) from the uterus resulting in its death.

The definition includes the term “induced” as it differentiates from a natural expulsion of a baby due to a miscarriage or still birth. The term “elective” is used to describe a non-obligatory procedure that is consciously made by the individual while the term “therapeutic” is used to describe an abortion that is performed to benefit the health of the mother.

Note, that the end result of an abortion is death, termination, the cessation of life. All of these terms certainly seem to imply that in order for there to be death, there must have been life! So, why is it that so many people do not see abortion as murder?


Welcome to my Blog, "Join Me In The Fight Against Abortion". I am a passionate pro-life supporter and I want to make my voice heard. One of my favorite quotes is from Helen Keller:

"I am only one. But still, I AM one. I cannot do everything. But still, I CAN do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I CAN DO!" -Helen Keller

I know I am only one. But, it only takes one to make a difference.

My youngest child was born at 34 weeks, a month and half early. Thankfully, he was born strong and healthy and with no real complications. However, while we were in the NICU, I saw doctors and nurses fighting to save the lives of 25 and 26 week old babies. I saw mothers and fathers watching helplessly as their baby lay in an incubator fighting for life. I saw my own baby in his isolate and thought, "God, thank-you for life. Thank-you for the life of my baby and the lives of these babies here. Protect them and heal them." Seeing those tiny babies evoked an emotion that I had never felt. I realized that abortions are performed on babies at the same age as some of my son's NICU "room mates". And yet, here the hospital staff is fighting to save these ones!

Who knows? Maybe God had us experience the NICU to show us the reality and the horror of abortions (Esther 4:13; 14).

It is my hope and prayer that God will use my voice to Fight Against Abortion. And that maybe someday...someone, somewhere will be touched and a life of an unborn baby spared as a result.

Too often, Christians see the evil in the world and do nothing more than complain and ostracize themselves from it. This is just not right! We are called to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:14). Our very purpose for existence is to bring glory and honor to God (Revelation 4:11) and certainly, that does not include sitting idly by and watching His creation be destroyed. As for me, I can no longer sit around and talk about how horrible abortion is and do nothing about it. It's time for me to take action.

It is my goal to do everything I can to make my voice heard. To express my views and opinions. To educate and inform. To research and spread the truth. Please Join Me In The Fight Against Abortions!

Below is a great site that has several ideas on how the average person can help Fight Abortion! Check it out!

Topics to Come:

What is RU486 (The Morning After Pill) and How Does it Work?
Safe Sex?
Alternative Options
Education is Power
Right to Life
What If?
What Does The Bible Say About Abortion?
What Can We Do?
The Sanctity of Life
Baby’s Developmental Milestones From Conception to Birth
Woman’s Rights
Abortion Laws and Legality
The Irony of Abortion
Forgiveness: A Merciful and Loving God
History of Abortion
Does The Baby Feel Pain?
Types of Abortions (Abortion Procedures)
Why do Women Choose to Have an Abortion?
Racism and Abortion
Abortion Statistics

Have any ideas of things you would like to see??? Write me and let me know!