Saturday, August 8, 2009


Welcome to my Blog, "Join Me In The Fight Against Abortion". I am a passionate pro-life supporter and I want to make my voice heard. One of my favorite quotes is from Helen Keller:

"I am only one. But still, I AM one. I cannot do everything. But still, I CAN do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I CAN DO!" -Helen Keller

I know I am only one. But, it only takes one to make a difference.

My youngest child was born at 34 weeks, a month and half early. Thankfully, he was born strong and healthy and with no real complications. However, while we were in the NICU, I saw doctors and nurses fighting to save the lives of 25 and 26 week old babies. I saw mothers and fathers watching helplessly as their baby lay in an incubator fighting for life. I saw my own baby in his isolate and thought, "God, thank-you for life. Thank-you for the life of my baby and the lives of these babies here. Protect them and heal them." Seeing those tiny babies evoked an emotion that I had never felt. I realized that abortions are performed on babies at the same age as some of my son's NICU "room mates". And yet, here the hospital staff is fighting to save these ones!

Who knows? Maybe God had us experience the NICU to show us the reality and the horror of abortions (Esther 4:13; 14).

It is my hope and prayer that God will use my voice to Fight Against Abortion. And that maybe someday...someone, somewhere will be touched and a life of an unborn baby spared as a result.

Too often, Christians see the evil in the world and do nothing more than complain and ostracize themselves from it. This is just not right! We are called to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:14). Our very purpose for existence is to bring glory and honor to God (Revelation 4:11) and certainly, that does not include sitting idly by and watching His creation be destroyed. As for me, I can no longer sit around and talk about how horrible abortion is and do nothing about it. It's time for me to take action.

It is my goal to do everything I can to make my voice heard. To express my views and opinions. To educate and inform. To research and spread the truth. Please Join Me In The Fight Against Abortions!

Below is a great site that has several ideas on how the average person can help Fight Abortion! Check it out!

Topics to Come:

What is RU486 (The Morning After Pill) and How Does it Work?
Safe Sex?
Alternative Options
Education is Power
Right to Life
What If?
What Does The Bible Say About Abortion?
What Can We Do?
The Sanctity of Life
Baby’s Developmental Milestones From Conception to Birth
Woman’s Rights
Abortion Laws and Legality
The Irony of Abortion
Forgiveness: A Merciful and Loving God
History of Abortion
Does The Baby Feel Pain?
Types of Abortions (Abortion Procedures)
Why do Women Choose to Have an Abortion?
Racism and Abortion
Abortion Statistics

Have any ideas of things you would like to see??? Write me and let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I was just chatting w/a friend about how we, as believers, so often feel overwhelmed with the onslaught of evils to battle, that we almost do not know where to begin. I do not think we are an apathetic bunch as much as we feel ignorant about what we can do to fight the evils of our world. I look forward to learning about tangible ways we can, together, fight the evil of abortion that has become so commonplace in our society.
